26 April, 2016

                                    BUHARI WAKE UP, THERE IS TROUBLE
President Buhari
  I have stressed these issues time without number. I have tweeted these posts to the President’s official tweeter account, but it seems the President is either not getting it or doesn’t care to listen.

President Buhari, you cannot force a hungry child to work! It is not done anywhere. Give him food, and he gets the energy to work. Then if he refuses to work, that is when you are just to punish him.

President Buhari you are making the wrong decision in these issues I will again point out here.
1.       You issued you will treat the Niger-Delta pipe vandals as terrorists, when you know that area till date is the heart of Nigerians economy. For over 50 years the Niger-Delta regions have being neglected and subjected to degradation. How then do you think it is wise to treat the militants as terrorists? 
   Deploying joint security forces in the region, I earlier said will only cause chaos in the region.

Now what is happening? A joint militant force in the region has declared to fight you and cripple the nation’s economy. Buhari, remember Yaradua foresaw that fighting the Niger Delta militants will only cause more bloodshed because those boys are well armed just as the Nigerian Military.

The military steps you are taking in Niger-Delta has begun back firing as the Militants have joined forces to fight back. I advise you to withdraw. Develop and region and give them what they want. 

You are wrong to fight them and treat them as terrorists!
      Just today, the news has spread that the Fulani Herdsmen – your brothers – massacred at least 40 people in Enugu – a Biafran land. These Fulani Herds men have killed many in biafran land and yet you do nothing about it. Does that show you don’t care about the Biafrans who are being massacred? Who is heavily arming those Fulani Herds men?
      A foolish man, named Albert Ella, who I believe is used by Northern Politicians, have dragged Nnamdi Kanu to international Criminal court, on the ground that the IPOP allegedly murdered 50 northerners in Abia. What tangible proof do they have for that? What of the people killed by the Nigerian Military during the peaceful protest of IPOP. Genocide was committed and the president did nothing about it. What of the unlawful detention of the IPOP leader even when two different courts have charged you to bail him unconditionally? What of the genocide the northerners are committing in the Biafran land in the name of Fulani Herds men?

Thanks to God Kanu has being charged to ICC. Be sure that the world will soon label all the crimes committed against the Biafrans as genocide and marginalisation.
I advise the Biafran issue is treated with diplomacy. But I see some people wants to claim they have military power.
      Last but not the least, the budget issue i strongly believe is caused by the internal fracas created when Saraki and Dogora were elected to head the Upper and lower house of assembly respectively, against the wish of the APC . Saraki might be corrupt, but is he the only corrupt politician? All of you are corrupt and meant to be treated worse than what Saraki experiences now. Saraki is only being hunted on political grounds and the budget issue is culminating and creating more problem in our economy. 
Please President Buhari, let the APC leave Saraki alone! If you want to fight corruption make it absolute, because the grandmasters and the father founders of APC are the masters of corruption to start with.

President Buhari, you are a good president, but please clear your mind from all aggreviances and rule justly. Beware of your advisers! Nigeria is looming to break in your hands.

Amnesty international has labelled your government as committing genocide via the Zaria massacre. The British has attacked you as using their financial aid to you for fighting terrorism to politically hunt and unlawfully jail your political opponents. Most of the British MPs are gradually declaring support for Biafra in addition to other international figures in the world.

Please look back, Learn from the Late Umar Yaradua. He was a peaceful man who came to lead Nigeria peacefully into progress. Force, anger, showing of military strength will only cause more problems for you!

And last, the Yuan deal you signed with China can back fire, in terms of making Nigeria a dumping ground of fake products.

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