15 April, 2016


 I don’t know about other countries and their traditions, but I know here in Nigeria every girl is held in expectation to marry before 30 years. It works for some, it doesn’t work some. Why? Just relax, I will teach now how to catch the right guy at the right time.

More than once I have being confronted with the question “why do careless girls seem to marry the right guys, on time, compared to the careful girls?” I am sure you know this happens in most cases. We see the very religious girl; we see the other that flirts. Before 24, the girl that flirts marries a cool guy while the other is still there waiting.

Now I will tell you that the achievements we make in life is not so much based on if you are a good guy or a bad guy. It’s all about applying the right principles in achieving that which you desire. You can be a very good girl, but because you don’t know what I am about to tell you here, your right guy will come and pass you by, and you will still keep waiting for him and believing in God. This sounds funny. But calm down. I will tell you what you need to know now.

At every age a girl founds herself, she should expect some categories of guys to hunt her, and among these guys, I will tell you how to be alert to catch the right guy. So let’s go!

Within 15-22 years, guys know that girls within the range of the aforementioned age bracket are still innocent and want to get exposed and have fun. The golden age of every girl to catch the right guy or suffer resentment out of being used and dumped by the wrong guys is within 15-22 years. Every smart girl at this age takes it serious and tracks her future hubby.

Girls within this age are being hunted by guys who appear as flexing guys. They want to take you out, get you have fun, exploit you, once they are done with these missions, they dump you and search for the young girls. To catch the right guy, you must build walls against the series of flexing guys that will hunt you! Look out for these kinds of guys and catch them!

You are within the age of 15-22 years? That’s good! Don’t think you are still young and should have so much fun and then settle later. It might be too late! Take charge of your golden age. Track this guy and hold him down immediately you see him, he’s the right guy. Now I will tell you the qualities to look out for to know him.
            He should be older than you with at least 4 years.
           He should be the working class guys or close to the working class guys.
          He should of course meet whatever qualities you look out for in a guy.
          He should have a future. You know this by the way he plans for the near and far future.
          He should be more concerned in building your future, than getting you have fun. You know this by the way he attends to your needs and cares for you. If he cares more to take you out and get you have fun, more than getting you achieve your dreams, dump him!
             He should be so much committed to be part of your future, make you part of his future, and make sure he carries you along in achieving his dreams.
          He is the focused type, kind of responsible and such likes

If you see such guy, hold him tight, he’s the right guy for these reasons
      You are young; he’s older than you. He has future that he’s planning for and he’s the working class/close to working class guy. So as you advance in age he does better and soon, he settles and becomes ready to get married. And you are there for him! So you are the lucky girl!
         He is not the flexing type. That’s good! He spends more time trying to do fine and get you do fine than the time he spends in having fun with you. You might not like it, but bear it! With this, you both become part of each others dream and future. You join powers in building your future and achieving your goals. Stay together. Build a great stream of oxytocin and become inseparable.

Now if you are pass 22 years. In my next post, I will still give you the secret of how to track the right guy.

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